
Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.

So, yeah... my plan to post here everyday, that went right out the window. I have been so busy here lately! 50 - 55 hour weeks are not uncommon. I pretty much go to work come home and go to bed, just to get up in the morning and repeat it all over again.

But, I have been exploring on weekends as much as possiable. The cool thing about Vermont is that there is always a festival or art show or something going on almost every weekend somewhere in the state. Like this weekend, I plan on going to the Tebit Festival in downtown Burlington.

I have so many pictures that I need to upload, I just don't have the time... but fall in New England is everything and more that they said it'd be. The colors were absolutely beautiful, and they seemed to just get prettier every week. However most of them are gone now, and I'm just witing for all this snow they keep talking about! Can't wait to see my first Vermont snowfall!

Just to let you in on some things I've learned sense I've been up here.

Things I learned on my drive up:

1) West Virgina likes orange barrels, but doesn't like to clean their bathrooms! (i swear, out of my whole trip, WV had the natiest bathrooms of all)

2) New Jersey smells funny

3) NEVER try to drive through NYC at night... actually, never try to drive through NYC at all

4) toll booths are the dumbest things ever (but really, you knew that right?)

Things I've learned about the north:

1) Northerners like the sountern accent. I keep getting people asking me to repeat what I've just said (either that, or they can't understand me... but I try to keep positive)

2) There are more dirt roads up here than I ever saw back home

3) People automatically assume that because you're from the south, you've never seen snow before... and are stupid about how to act when it gets cold.

And the last thing before I leave you for now, some sage advice from an anonymus person who hung this little note up in the women's restroom at work:

Things to be aware of when using this bathroom:

1) Don't poke your eye out on the purse hooks, which are right at eye level...especially in the smaller stall.

2) Thanks to our magnificant cleaning staff who do such a great job on the floors at night, one can be in one stall and see everytihng going on in the other just by looking at the floor.

3) Notice the humerous name or the company located on the door latch (of course I had to look, and must admit, it is a pretty creative name... hineyhiders :) )