

"You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."

It's "inconceivable," but the snow is still coming down! Every time I think it is about to come to a stop, another band comes through and dumps another few inches on us. Right now, I would guess that we have about a foot and a half or so out there with the snow still coming down in waves.

I keep checking the radar, and we have a lull coming up, but it looks like we may still get more yet tomorrow. I will of course have camera charged and ready to take pictures. Here are some more I just took from our driveway of my poor little bug all covered in snow...

I keep trying to clean her off, but it's no use.... an hour later she's all covered again. I'm thinking that I might get the day off work tomorrow. Let's cross our fingers shall we!


Alyson said...

Ah, the Princess Bride - such a great movie!! Guess that is why I used the music in our wedding :-)
Wow, that be a ton of snow - looks like it is beautiful though! You going to be able to get out of there to come home?!?!?

Hannah said...

Well, I leave on Friday, so hopefully by then they will have everything plowed. I was mighty proud of myself this morning... I shoveled myself out of the driveway and got my butt to work. Ain't ya proud!

Alyson said...

Good for you, now you can teach Dave how to do it :-) Now we just need some snow!!

Anonymous said...

Welcome to life in New England, Nanner! Isn't it fun?!!! I wish we had snow in Atlanta...I miss it.

You coming home for Christmas?