
It's beginning to look a lot like...winter!

Hey, just a quick post (shhh! I'm supposed to be working) to say that winter has finally come to Burlington. It's been snowing for the past few days with some pretty sweet accumulation. There's only about 6 inches here in Burlington, but right outside the city limits, like in Richmond, Milton, Munkton, etc there is upwards of 10 inches.

Actually right now I'm looking out of my office window and there are these huge flakes just drifting past. It's like living in a snow globe that is constantly being shaken.

Really puts one in the Holiday spirit. I put up my small minature Christmas tree on my desk today and I have my little Santa and Mrs. Claus S'mores sitting beside it. I've been listening to Christmas music for the past week, and actually enjoying it... I'm starting to worry. Am I starting to become one of those people who actually enjoys Christmas? Yikes!

Well, I better get back to what I'm actually supposed to be doing... hopefully I can get some pictures this weekend of the snow and post them. Apparently around here, the snow tends to stick around for a few days (actually a few months) instead of melting away as soon as the sun comes out. Can't wait to see some of you when I get home for Christmas this year!

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