
"There's no place like home..."

After a very busy and very hectic week last week, I finally have some time off and am home for the holidays.

I got in to Louisville around 10 yesterday, and immediately started taking off layers... what is it, summer down here! It's also very strange to see grass again. I had gotten quite used to just seeing fields of snow.

But... that's it for now, just wanted to say hi from Ky and I'll hopefully be getting more posted about my crazy week last week. Till then, enjoy this little video from youtube, two of my favorite singers singing one of the most beautiful songs:


Alyson said...

Hey, glad you are home. I tried to send you a message yesterday, but I don't have your area code so it didn't go through. We definitely have to see you before you leave! Maybe we can do something on Wednesday. Hope to see you soon!!!

Alyson said...

Hey if you read this today (mon) come by my house if you have a chance, we should be home all day, but give me a call if you come to make sure we are here. I talked to Marci and Kelly last night they would like to go to dinner on Friday night, can you do that with us?? I am sending this message to your email too.